Outlook MAPI and Windows 2000

Kim, Go Joong go.joong.kim at sap.com
Thu Nov 29 23:42:45 EST 2001

Thanks for your information.
If I describe the symptom more precisely,
workitems are executed through the SAP GUI and display double byte charaters
But the problem is occurred when i input the korean in the input field.
The system display error message like as "The input field contains
prohibited charaters (already deleted)".
And the korean automatically converted to "########".
I communicated with representative of german developers but the result was
"impossible to fix the error".
If your comment is true, it will be very helpful to us.
So I have a question about that.
Do you have a workflow scenario including the input fields?
-----Original Message-----
From: Van Heerde, Arnoud
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: Outlook MAPI and Windows 2000
Hi Kim,
Here in Taiwan we have no problem with double byte either. I am using NT5
with SPII and have done live-demos on many occasions. My menus and dialogs
are in English (both system an Office applications), but my locale is set to
Taiwan, so it displays Chinese characters as well and have no problem
installing and running Chinese applications.
I did have a problem on time when I create a MAPI folder for a user, then
delete it and then create it again. But I vaguely remember reading somewhere
that was a bug in Outlook. With another SAP user ID it works fine. Also
remember that on NT4 I had problems installing the WorkItem.OFT Outlook
form. But after I upgraded to NT5 and did a demo again (possibly my SAP GUI
was upgraded as well in the mean time) this form was installed automatically
Hi Andre,
I do point out the issue of scalability of this solution to potential
customers. You can get more information on this from other messages posted
in this user group. So don't hang yourself up on this solution. There are
other (more efficient) ways to integrate Outlook users.
Kind regards,
Arnoud van Heerde
-----Original Message-----
From: Kim, Go Joong
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: Outlook MAPI and Windows 2000
Hi, andre,
There is no problem for using the SAP MAPI SPI on Windows 2000 in english
I tested it already.
But there is some problems in two byte characters windows 2000.
It's not possible to execute a workitem in two byte charaters mode.
Steve Kim
SAP Korea
-----Original Message-----
From: andre hilden [mailto:ahilden at gmx.net]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 9:21 AM
Subject: Outlook MAPI and Windows 2000
The SAP documentation says that the MAPI is compatible to NT 3.51, Windows
NT 4.0, and Windows 95.
What is with Windows 2000 ?
Did anybody successfully install the MAPI on Windows 2000 ?
Currently my Outlook crashes every time I try to start it with the
Mapi activated.
thank you :-)
andre hilden
Idea Integration
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