Missed deadline items

Elias Bergan elias at spring.no
Wed Nov 28 08:37:33 EST 2001

The question about missed deadline items that I posted earlier seemed to end
up in a discussion about substitution. I am therefore posting it again:
A group of persons have got a deadline item
in their inboxes. One of the persons double clicks on the
workitem. The workitem disappears from the other persons
inboxes and the status is 'In process'(no reserved-state for deadline
The person that opened the deadline item then doesn't want to complete
the workitem but instead wants to use
a 'replace'-functionality (that is, make the missed deadline workitem
reappear in the other receivers inboxes) as is possible for dialog
It seems like this functionality is lacking.
Is this as it intentionally was meant to be or is it a bug?
Is there a workaround?
I hope there is someone out there that can help me with this!
Thanks alot!
Elias Bergan

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