Download the graphical workflow definition for documentation purposes

Frank Reichenbach frankreichenbach at
Mon Aug 13 08:30:18 EDT 2001

Hi guys,
        I am looking for an automated way to export the graphical definition of a workflow (ClassicEPC)in order to generate Visio etc. flow charts for documentation purposes.
Everything one needs seems to be in the following tables:
SWDSTEXT - text of the nodes
Has anyone written an ABAP doing just that or does anyone know another simple way to export the graphics?
So far I tried to "print" the graphical definition in a wmf file and then pasted (ctrl+v) this into a Visio drawing. The only problem with this method is that one can't process the drawing generated that way: the whole chart is grouped and if one ungroups the objects, thousands of sub-objects are being generated... (e.g. a workflow with 10 steps leads to >9000 sub-objects!!!)
So by the time you are finished re-grouping the proper sub-objects to form steps, nodes and lines you would be finished drawing the workflow from scratch.
Any of your comments are welcome!
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