Antw: Fw: PR Workflow Error

Willi-Gerd Schmitz W.Schmitz at
Fri Apr 6 12:44:04 EDT 2001

If you assign the release code in customizing transaction omgq (release =
strategie) to a user name you don't need anything in org-management.
Maybe the error is caused by the assignment of POSSIBLE users to the =
standard task (single step task) in the requisition release workflow.
Try to classify the single step task as a "general task".
Willi-Gerd Schmitz
IDS Scheer AG
Postfach 10 15 34
66015 Saarbr=FCcken
Tel. 0681-210-3258
Fax 0681-210-1301
Mobil 0172-6868-639
w.schmitz at
>>> romkaram at 06.04.01 18:30:46 >>>
I did not get any response. So trying it again
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Raju Omkaram=20
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: PR Workflow Error
I am having a problem while creating WF event 'ReleaseStepCreated' in =
Purchase Requisition.
On Config. side 'Assignment of Role to Release Code' I have assigned =
AgentID to a user. 'Release code' is assigned to '1' (Workflow).
In Org.plan I have created a job, position and a holder. This holder is =
same as the User assigned to the 'Release Code'.
However, I get the following errors from WF:
1. Msg no WL 840 -> Agents of type 'A' can not be defined. Where type 'A' =
is 'Normal Agents'
2. Msg no WL 482
3. Msg no WL 410
I remember seeing this problem on our list server. How do I retrieve those =
Any help on this is highly appreciated.

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