Need to send notification to SMTP address

Aravindan Kalaimannan ibm_akalaimanan at
Thu Oct 12 22:54:09 EDT 2000

Hi All,
  I am required to send SMTP mail when an event is triggered. The E-mail
address is available in table ADR6 and i have inhereted & delegated
object LFA1 to get the e-mail ID.
 I am currently facing problem when trying to bind the e-mail id from
the object to the receipent. I saw that they don't match in structure.
What is the exact process of matching the structure or passing the SMTP
e-mail ID to the task through container.
The whole thing is working for my SAP User ID...which i have decleared
in Initial values of the task.
Any Help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Aravindan K

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