FW: FIPP WFReleaseReset doesn't yield expected results

Stephan Becker stephan.becker at walldorftech.com
Thu Jun 22 08:13:57 EDT 2000

I am trying to give the supervisors of my parked document workflow the
possibility to "release" a parked document from workflow processing so that
they can continue processing it without workflow (in case of exceptions
where it doesn't make sense to model a flow that will only be used once a
I am using method WFReleaseReset of object type FIPP, which correctly sets
the xwffr field in vbkpf (the parked document header) to blank.
However, when I then try to post, complete, or delete the parked document
manually (i.e. through the normal transactions), the relevant menu items are
blanked out.
Even worse, the next time the document is changed, the event FIPP CREATED
(!) is triggered, which trows the document back into workflow processing,
which somewhat defies the purpose of the whole exercise..
Surely I'm missing something here.. any suggestions are appreciated.
Stephan Becker

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