SWED (change doc linkage) seems to have no effect

Tom Jull r9983c at email.sps.mot.com
Fri Aug 11 18:04:58 EDT 2000

Hoping someone can clarify the purpose of transaction SWED ("Define
Workflow Properties" of change document objects), since it seems to have
no impact upon my event development (at least in one respect).
Everything works fine, but I am confused.
I am raising an event (called "ZCreated") for a custom copy of the
business object "DRAW" when a new document info record is created.  When
looking at the entry for the change document object type "DOKUMENT" via
SWED, I noticed that the "Change" radio button was filled but the
"Create" radio button was blank.  This puzzled me since I thought that
this had to be selected if I wanted my "create" event to be published.
Nevertheless, my event was being raised just fine.
I checked the change document table CDHDR for my document info record.
The "Application update indicator" was "U" (update) instead of "I"
(insert).  I thought, therefore, that the event was being raised because
the "Change" indicator was filled in SWED.  For kicks, I blanked out the
"Change" indicator.  There were then "NO" action indicators set for
"DOKUMENT" in SWED.  Created new document info record... event raised
just fine!
I am now under the suspicion that only the settings in SWEC matter in
this instance and I have no idea what the "Create" "Change" "Delete"
radio buttons are for in SWED.
Any insight?  Am I missing something fundamental?
Tom Jull
P.S.:  Seems to me that the delivery class of the table (SWECDOBTYP)
behind SWED should not be "S" (system table).  It should be a control
table with separate name spaces or better, a customizing table.

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