[Reporting-announce] Upcoming Higher Ed and MIT Tableau User Groups + Recordings from Data Warehouse IT Partners Conference sessions

Roshni Gohil rgohil at mit.edu
Wed Jul 5 05:24:27 EDT 2023

Hi all,

We've got a couple of Tableau User Groups happening next week, and also wanted to share recordings from last month's IT Partners Conference.

Higher Education Tableau User Group (HETUG)
July 11, 3-4:30(ish)pm (Eastern) - Virtual
As we hit two years of HETUG, we'll get to know the HETUG community, Andrew Drinkwater (CIRPA and Plaid Analytics) will noodle around with dysfunctional relationships, and Christy Simpson (Texas Tech) will help us engage and interact with online factbooks.

More info and registration<https://usergroups.tableau.com/events/details/tableau-higher-education-tableau-user-group-presents-hetug-july-2023-celebrating-hetug-with-dysfunctional-relationships-and-interactive-factbooks/>
Questions? Contact HETUG Leads via Slack at #higher_ed_tug<https://higher-ed-tableau.slack.com/archives/C023KFWEEQ6> or email at higheredtug at gmail.com<mailto:higheredtug at gmail.com>
Want to join? Check out the HETUG site<https://usergroups.tableau.com/higher-education-tableau-user-group/>

MIT and Boston Tableau User Group joint meetup
July 12, 5:30-7:30pm (Eastern) - In Person in E51-345
We're co-hosting with the Boston Tableau User Group to bring two great speakers to campus!

  *   Jeremy Blaney and Ace Jalali (Wiiisdom) will share how to test, promote, and certify data and workbooks at scale with AnalyticsOps
  *   Branden Kornell (BKSG Consulting) will share tricks to help future you organize and document your Tableau workbooks
We will have some swag giveaways, light food and refreshments, and time to network!

More info and registration<https://usergroups.tableau.com/events/details/tableau-boston-tableau-user-group-presents-boston-and-mit-tableau-user-group-july-meetup/>
Questions? Contact MIT TUG Leads via Slack at #ask-mit-tug-leads<https://mit-tableau.slack.com/archives/C02DTTZ9UHE> or email at mit-tableau-user-group-admin at mit.edu<mailto:mit-tableau-user-group-admin at mit.edu>
Want to join? Check out the MIT TUG site<https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/x/awKiCg>

IT Partners 2023 Conference recordings and slides are available
If you missed our afternoon of Data Warehouse (DW) at the IT Partners 2023 Conference, or want to rewatch a session, the slides and recordings are available on the IT Partners conference page<https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/x/mIQ1Dg>.

  *   Faith Hill (IS&T) provided an overview of what the DW is, what data's available, and how it gets there
  *   Brandin Tumeinski (IS&T) and Roshni Gohil (MITIMCo) talked about tools to access the DW
  *   Lisa Robinson (Chemical Engineering) and Tyler Brezler (VPF) shared how they're using the DW via Quickbase
While you're there, don't forget to check out some of the other sessions, including: the keynote on AI and robotics by Pulkit Agrawal (CSAIL), Salesforce at Sloan Exec Ed (Jake Berry); an overview of MIT's Office of Research Computing and Data (James Cuff); and more!

More info and recordings<https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/x/mIQ1Dg>
Questions? Email the IT Partners Planning Team at itpartners-plan at mit.edu<mailto:itpartners-plan at mit.edu>
Want to join? Check out the IT Partners site<https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/x/Mej3Bg>

Roshni Gohil, on behalf of the MIT TUG Leads (#ask-mit-tug-leads<https://mit-tableau.slack.com/archives/C02DTTZ9UHE>, mit-tableau-user-group-admin at mit.edu<mailto:mit-tableau-user-group-admin at mit.edu>)
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