[QIP-Sem] MIT Quantum Information Processing Seminar Announcement
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Tue Apr 5 13:03:55 EDT 2005
Next week's MIT QIP seminar will take place on Monday, April 11 at
16:00 in 4-237, and features:
Large-Inductance Superconducting Flux Qubits: Coherent Oscillations
and Controllable Coupling
by Prof. John Clarke (U. C. Berkeley Physics Dept.)
We have studied quantum coherence in a three-junction,
superconducting flux qubit using a dc SQUID to measure its flux
state. The qubit and SQUID are equipped with separate, on-chip flux
bias lines, so that we can set the flux bias of each device
independently. The chip is enclosed in a superconducting cavity,
enabling us to obtain data over several days in a stable magnetic
environment. Detailed spectroscopic measurements reveal the expected
avoided crossing at the degeneracy point, and resonances that are
ascribed to tunnel barrier defects; even at millikelvin temperatures
these resonances shift with time. The Rabi oscillation frequency
scales linearly with microwave amplitude. The linewidth of
microwave-induced resonances yields the inhomogeneously broadened
dephasing rate 1/T2', and echoes yield the dephasing rate 1/T2; these
times are consistent with the value of 1/T2* determined from Ramsey
fringes. A scheme is presented for controlling the coupling between
two flux qubits by varying the dynamic inductance of the readout
SQUID surrounding them. The mutual inductance between the qubits can
be switched from zero to a predetermined value simply by changing the
bias current in the SQUID in the zero-voltage state.
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