[QIP-Sem] MIT Quantum Information Processing Seminar Reminder
QIP-Sem Mailing List
qip-sem-own at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 19 09:18:18 EST 2004
There will be an MIT QIP seminar TODAY at 14:00 hours in room 4-153,
which features:
Testing the Limits of Quantum Mechanics: Motivation, State of Play,
and Prospects
by Anthony Leggett (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
I present the motivation for experiments which attempt to
generate,and verify the existence of,quantum superpositions of two or
more states which are by some reasonable criterion "macroscopically"
distinct,and show that various a priori objections to this program
made in the literature are flawed. I review the extent to which such
experiments currently exist in the areas of free-space molecular
diffraction,magnetic biomolecules, quantum optics and Josephson
devices,and sketch possible future lines of development of the
NB: There will be no QIP seminar on Monday, Nov. 22nd.
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