[QIP-Sem] MIT Quantum Information Processing Special Seminar TODAY
QIP-Sem Mailing List
qip-sem-own at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 14 11:19:21 EDT 2004
The following seminar will take place TODAY (October 14) at 16:00
hours in room 3-270:
Fast Quantum Modular Exponentiation
by Rodney Van Meter (Keio University)
Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers runs in polynomial time
on a quantum computer. The most expensive portion of Shor's
algorithm is the modular exponentiation performed before the more
well-known quantum Fourier transform. The exact details of the
polynomial, its degree and constant factors, determine the running
time and consequently the practicality of the algorithm on a
particular quantum computer. In this talk, we will show our circuits
for performing the modular exponentiation. We show that the running
time depends on the combination of algorithm and architecture, as
well as clock speed.
Following the main talk will be a brief demonstration and discussion
of the quantum circuit compilation, optimization, and visualization
tools I am currently developing, for those who are interested.
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