[QIP-Sem] MIT Quantum Information Processing Course Announcement
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Thu Aug 19 14:40:03 EDT 2004
6.453 Quantum Optical Communication (Prof. Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Instructor)
Prereq: 6.011 and 18.06
Acad Year 2003-2004: G(Fall)
Acad Year 2004-2005: Not offered
3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit
Lecture:: MW9:30-11, Room 8-404 (NOT 36-112, as shown in the catalog)
Quantum optics: Dirac notation quantum mechanics; harmonic oscillator quantization; number states, coherent states, and squeezed states; radiation field quantization and quantum field propagation; P-representation and classical fields. Linear loss and linear amplification: commutator preservation and the Uncertainty Principle; beam splitters; phase-insensitive and phase-sensitive amplifiers. Quantum photdetection: direct detection, heterodyne detection, and homodyne detection. Second-order nonlinear optics: phase-matched interactions; optical parametric amplifiers; generation of squeezed states, photon-twin beams, non-classical fourth-order interference, and polarization entanglement. Quantum systems theory: optimum binary detection; quantum precision measurements; quantum cryptography; and quantum teleportation.
Term Paper required.
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