[QIP-Sem] MIT Quantum Information Processing Seminar Announcement

QIP-Sem Mailing List qip-sem-own at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 30 09:11:56 EST 2004

Next week's MIT QIP seminar will take place on Monday, April 5th at 
16:00 in 4-237, and features:

Localizable Entanglement and Valence Bond States

by Ignacio Cirac (Max Planck Institute fuer Quantumoptik, Garching, Germany)


Much of the current effort in Quantum Information Theory is devoted 
to the description and quantification of the entanglement contained 
in quantum states, since this intriguing property of Quantum 
Mechanics is the basic resource of most of the applications in this 
field, including quantum communication and computation. In this talk 
I will introduce a new notion of entanglement which captures the idea 
of how this property can be localized in small subsystems by 
performing measurement in the rest of the system. I will also show 
how this notion allows to detect hidden orders in spin systems at 
zero temperature, and how it behaves in quantum phase transitions. 
Finally, I will show how these ideas may help to develop simulation 
schemes for spin chains and lattices.
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