[panda-users] Use case questions

Kenneth Adam Miller kennethadammiller at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 10:53:35 EDT 2021

Thank you for the reply. I made a slack request.

On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 10:36 AM Andrew Fasano <fasano at mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi Kenneth,
> These are some good questions. We're very interested in both improving
> PANDA's support for additional architectures and updating PANDA to be based
> on a newer version of QEMU.
> For additional architectures that were supported in QEMU 2.9 (which PANDA
> is currently forked from), it's not too bad to get them running with
> PANDA's callbacks, but adding record and replay support is a fair amount of
> work. We recently added partial AARCH64 support
> <https://github.com/panda-re/panda/pull/845>where most callbacks and APIs
> now work but we skipped record and replay. As you can see from the diff, it
> wasn't too bad (most of the code changes are related to the OSI and
> syscalls2 plugins).
> However, there are some architectures only supported in newer QEMU
> versions as well as a lot of improvements to QEMU since 2.9 was released,
> so we'd love to get PANDA rebased on top of that. We have a github issue
> here <https://github.com/panda-re/panda/issues/570> where we've been
> discussing how to do such an upgrade. The issue has mostly gone stale
> though since it's a pretty significant undertaking. We (MIT Lincoln Lab)
> have been exploring ways to dedicate some resources towards tackling
> the work, but we currently lack the funding for our ideal path forward.
> Hopefully that will change later this year.
> If you want to discuss with a wider audience, feel free to request an
> invite to our slack channel <https://panda.re/invite.php> - that's much
> more active than this mailing list.
> Best,
> Andrew
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 12:43 PM Kenneth Adam Miller <
> kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Much later version of *QEMU.
>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 11:39 AM Kenneth Adam Miller <
>> kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a series of questions that relate to trying to satisfy a use
>>> case: perform analysis using PANDA but on an architecture that isn't
>>> supported directly by PANDA. In this scenario, the architecture is
>>> supported by a much later version of PANDA.
>>> Would there be any way that a later version of QEMU could export LLVM or
>>> the TCB for this version to import and use?
>>> How difficult would it be to take the PANDA extensions to QEMU and apply
>>> them to a newer version of QEMU? I don't expect it would be easy, probably
>>> would correspond to a new version of PANDA, and I'm sure people are working
>>> hard behind the scenes.
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