[panda-users] Two announcements: PANDA Slack & Python Interfaces

Andrew Fasano fasano at mit.edu
Mon Jun 8 13:04:14 EDT 2020

Hi all,

We recently created a Slack workspace for PANDA and our development team is
mostly in there. If you'd like to join, request an invite here-
https://panda-re.mit.edu/invite.php. Questions posted there might be more
likely to get a reply than response than those sent to this mailing list.

Also, I wanted to take this opportunity to advertise PANDA's new Python 3
interface. It can be used for both starting/stopping/recording a guest
execution as well as registering python functions to run on the various
PANDA callbacks. For some examples check out
https://github.com/panda-re/panda/tree/master/panda/python/examples. More
documentation will be available soon.


Andrew Fasano
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
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