[panda-users] Problem replicating tutorial

Giuseppe Laurenza laurenza at diag.uniroma1.it
Thu Feb 15 13:07:08 EST 2018

Dear panda-user
I am trying to reproduce old result through the tutorial of this page https://www.cc.gatech.edu/~brendan/panda_re_repro.html <https://www.cc.gatech.edu/~brendan/panda_re_repro.html>
If I use the checkout suggested in the website, after the use of build.sh, I can’t find any emu executable inside the panda/qemu subfolder. If I use the last panda version, building It through the script install_ubuntu.sh, I can use the new executable, but I receive an error regarding the missing of a snapshot. I tried it on two virtual machines with respectively ubuntu 16.04 and ubuntu 14.04 with last updated installed.
Can you help me through the reproduction of the tutorial?
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