[panda-users] Extend plugin syscalls2

aicardi@eurecom.fr aicardi at eurecom.fr
Fri Sep 29 08:58:44 EDT 2017

Hello everyone!

I am working on Windows7 32bit replays and I would like to monitor all  
the Zw* system calls. I saw that with the syscalls2 plugin it's  
possible to hook all the Nt* system calls and I would like to do the  
same with the Zw* ones.
If I got it correctly, in gen_syscall_switch_enter_windows7_x86.cpp  
there is a huge switch case that determines which system call has been  
called based on the value of EAX (which contains the system call  
number (?)).
Is it possible to do the same thing for the Zw* system calls?

Thank you in advance,

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