[panda-users] Dumping LLVM Bitcode?

David Manouchehri david.manouchehri at riseup.net
Wed Dec 13 17:50:49 EST 2017

Ah thanks! Went back to 6e8e77068dfaf2e0 and it was able to produce

Reference for myself/Google:

cd /panda
git checkout 6e8e77068dfaf2e0
rm -r build; mkdir build && cd build
/panda/build/i386-softmmu/qemu-system-i386 -cdrom mini.iso -m 256 -monitor
stdio -net nic,model=e1000 -net user -vga none -vnc :0,password -replay
test.2 -panda llvm_trace2 -pandalog testlog.2
llvmir2hll -target-hll=c -var-renamer=readable -var-name-gen=fruit
-var-name-gen-prefix= -call-info-obtainer=optim -arithm-expr-evaluator=c
-validate-module -llvmir2bir-converter=orig -o llvm-mod.bc.c llvm-mod.bc
-enable-debug -emit-debug-comments -no-opts

[image: Inline image 1]
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