[panda-users] Dereferencing using panda_virtual_memory_rw()
Whelan, Ryan - 0559 - MITLL
rwhelan at ll.mit.edu
Tue Mar 24 12:14:28 EDT 2015
In general, it is possible to read memory and follow pointers in the guest
as long as you know the structure of objects in memory. As an example, take
a look at get_current_proc() in the win7x86intro plugin. There are other
examples in that plugin too.
From: Simone Mazzoni <simone.mazzoni13 at gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 12:00 PM
To: "panda-users at mit.edu" <panda-users at mit.edu>
Subject: [panda-users] Dereferencing using panda_virtual_memory_rw()
Hi all,
I'm trying to perform arguments dereferencing using panda.
I developed a plugin that, for every systemcall, extract the addresses of
all the arguments. I'm now interested in dereferencing those addresses to
extract human readable data.
I will make an example.
I intercept the NtCreateFile the has this structure according to the MSDN
official site (ZwCreateFile is the same)
NTSTATUS ZwCreateFile(
_Out_ PHANDLE FileHandle,
_In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
_In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
_Out_ PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock,
_In_opt_ PLARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize,
_In_ ULONG FileAttributes,
_In_ ULONG ShareAccess,
_In_ ULONG CreateDisposition,
_In_ ULONG CreateOptions,
_In_opt_ PVOID EaBuffer,
_In_ ULONG EaLength
So for example with my plugin now I can extract the 11 addresses of the
arguments of this system call.
Assuming this, I am now interested in dereferencing the third argument
POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES that, according to the MSDN site, is a structure:
typedef struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {
ULONG Length;
HANDLE RootDirectory;
ULONG Attributes;
PVOID SecurityDescriptor;
PVOID SecurityQualityOfService;
That contain a PUNICODDE_STRING which is a pointer to another structure:
typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING {
USHORT Length;
USHORT MaximumLength;
PWSTR Buffer;
This structure contain the PWSTR parameter that contain (I guess) exactly
the string of the name of the file passed to the high level API
So, first question: is this right?
Second question: is it possible to dereference this structures using the
panda_virtual_memory_rw() function reading the correct number of bytes?
Hope to be clear enough.
Thanks for the help.
- Simone
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