[panda-users] confused about panda_ssltut.md

Brendan Dolan-Gavitt brendandg at gatech.edu
Mon Mar 23 09:44:13 EDT 2015

Once you see the "opening nondet log for write" message, the recording
has started. You should be able to use the virtual machine at this
point. If you press "enter" in the QEMU monitor you will see the
monitor prompt "(qemu)" and can enter further commands, or just
interact with the VM directly. When you're done, you can do
"end_record" in the monitor to stop the recording.

Note that some of the information in PANDA's SSL tutorial is slightly
outdated; there is an open bug in the bug tracker:


And I will try to find some time soon to bring it up to date.


On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 3:38 AM, xiaojuan Li <xiaotan6666 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your guys work first!
> Now my question is: when I tried process described in the
> docs/panda_ssltut.md,I was confused about "Taking the snapshot can take a
> long time.once the snapshot is made, the vm will resume." Is it means that I
> must wait till the vm resume?and then i can take the next step?
> But I have stayed this step for a long time,it seems not to resume.it just
> shows"opening nondet log for write:.****.log"
> Thanks for checking!
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks a lot!
> --
> wait and hope~~
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