[panda-users] about list_enc.py

Brendan Dolan-Gavitt brendandg at gatech.edu
Mon Mar 23 09:40:34 EDT 2015


list_enc.py is a python script that runs on a pcap file and produces a
configuration file for the keyfind plugin; it doesn't interact with
the rest of PANDA otherwise.

list_enc.py requires the community-supported version of scapy, which
you can get here:


You can find more information in the PANDA SSL tutorial:



On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 9:26 AM, xiaojuan Li <xiaotan6666 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> I tried to use the list_enc.py to run the packet capture,but it showed that
> TLSv1RecordLayer is not defined.Then I searched this string in panda
> directory,it showed that only this file (enc.py) contained that string.
> I find that the string used in Transport Layer Security, and then I get the
> tlsv1_record.h and crypto.h,which is included in tlsv1_record.h. Should I
> transfer the .h wrote by C into .py?
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks a lot?
> --
> wait and hope~~
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