[panda-users] Panda Plugin development

Brendan Dolan-Gavitt brendandg at gatech.edu
Wed Jan 28 10:12:29 EST 2015

I've been helping off-list; I should probably forward a summary here.
The basic answer is to make use of the KiArgumentTable symbol in the
Windows kernel, which has the number of bytes each argument takes up.


On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Kenneth Adam Miller
<kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
> Did you ever get help on this?
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Simone Mazzoni <simone.mazzoni13 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am developing a Panda plugin for doing VM introspection of a Windows VM
>> (windows 7 for the moment). My goal is to track the flow of system calls of
>> a given process, including their return values and their arguments.
>> The final goal is to "automatically" retrieve the arguments of each system
>> call, and see which arguments are passed from a system call to another, or
>> if the return values of some system calls are used as input for other system
>> calls.
>> I have currently coded a plugin that uses the "osi" plugin and the
>> "win7x86intro" plugin, but I'm not sure of the results that produces.
>> I put the source code as attachment.
>> Regarding the code of the file mysyscalls.c of the attachment, can someone
>> give me an opinion about the correctness of what I write? My intention is to
>> track only the system calls of a certain process with input arguments, and
>> output values.
>> My plugin currently tries to retrieve all the arguments of a syscall, and
>> print them in order in a txt file. The output seems to have sense, but I am
>> not completely sure that it retrieves the correct number of arguments.
>> In the file mysyscalls.txt there is an example of the output and as you
>> can see, for example for the system call 0xb3 (NtOpenFile) at line 1035, I
>> found 8 arguments. Is it correct?The windows 7 system call NtOpenFile has 8
>> input argumets?
>> I know I wrote a lot of stuff, but I tried to be more clear that I can.
>> Thanks in advance for the answers, and if someone has any advice, is truly
>> appreciated.
>> -Simone
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