[PageOneX] [dev] PageOneX for RGSoC?

Emaad Ahmed Manzoor emaadmanzoor at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 01:55:21 EDT 2013


I am pairing up with Rachee Singh (+cc) to participate in the Rails
Girls Summer of Code this year (railsgirlssummerofcode.org).

The application involves finding a pair (we've got the two of us), a
coach (we've got Derek Hammer from Thoughtworks, www.derekhammer.com)
and a mentoring organization (PageOneX?). Since we were looking for
projects in the free information and society domain, we thought
PageOneX would be exciting to contribute to, and were wondering if we
could ship something cool with you folks over the three month RGSoC

We saw that you've just released your Beta and dug this up from the
list archives:


Maybe we could pitch in with one of these tasks? Since the two of us
are reasonably proficient programmers, with some web development (both
server and client-side) experience, we could aim to contribute a
large-ish complete feature over the course of this period. A bit of
background about us:

Rachee Singh

   - Github: https://github.com/racheesingh/
   - Blogs: http://racheesingh.github.io/, http://racheesingh.wordpress.com/
   - GSoC 2012 with CERN:
   - Published in the Android Cookbook with Ian Darwin, awarded an
OSCon pass for being the top contributor.
   - Won the COMSOL Conference Student Poster prize for a poster on
simulating diffuse optical tomography.

Emaad Ahmed Manzoor

   - Github: https://github.com/emaadmanzoor/
   - Blogs: http://eyeshalfclosed.com/blog/, http://halfclosed.wordpress.com/
   - LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/emaadmanzoor
   - Independent SoC doing Debian packaging for MVHub at UMass,
Lowell: http://thecsl.org/go/fake-blog/packaged_divorce.shtml
   - Built and maintain Graphy, a graph algorithm visualizer:
   - Built a couple of websites: http://www.bits-waves.org/2010/,

Shared Achievements:

   - Mentored students in Android development for the MIT Indian
Mobile Initiative: http://globalchallenge.mit.edu/teams/view/148
   - Winner at Random Hacks of Kindness Bangalore, 2011: Built a
low-cost tracking device for school buses to notify parents when to
pick their kids up.
   - Participated in Random Hacks of Kindness Bangalore, 2013: Built a
reward miles system by OCR'ing bus tickets, to encourage public
   - Presented a PyCon 2012 tutorial on Beanstalkd:
   - Built an interactive physics simulation of the Foucault's
pendulum, contributing to free educational resources online:

Looking forward to your responses!

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