[PageOneX] [dev] Unable to create new threads

Edward Platt elplatt at media.mit.edu
Tue Mar 26 17:31:46 EDT 2013

After pulling from github, I get the following error when I try to create a
thread or add a newspaper to an existing thread.  Any ideas?

undefined method `source_url=' for #<Image:0x007f86770543d0>

lib/scraper.rb:36:in `block (2 levels) in scrape_images'
lib/scraper.rb:31:in `each'
lib/scraper.rb:31:in `map'
lib/scraper.rb:31:in `block in scrape_images'
lib/scraper.rb:30:in `scrape_images'
app/controllers/threads_controller.rb:53:in `create'

Edward L. Platt
Civic Technology Programmer
MIT Center for Civic Media
@EdwardLPlatt <http://twitter.com/edwardlplatt>
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