[PageOneX] [dev] question re: #61 "Thread edit: not possible to add a topic"

pablo rey pablo at basurama.org
Tue Mar 19 13:36:47 EDT 2013

I don't know if you receive the comments for the issues.
Here's my question re: #61 "Thread edit: not possible to add a topic"


At threads_controller.rb the new codes/topic created in the edit view don't
get saved. What else should I use instead of "update_attributes"?

In the update method:

#it should iterate through the recently created
codes at thread.codes.to_enum.with_index.each do |code,index|
                if params["topic_deleted_#{index}"] == '1'
                else #To Do: it should save the new codes created
params["topic_name_#{index}"], color: params["topic_color_#{index}"],
code_description: params["topic_description_#{index}"]})

besides "params[:topic_count].to_i" was not working and I used
"@thread.codes.length" in the update method.
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