[Olympus] Author list

Alexander Kiselev kisselev at mail.desy.de
Tue Nov 1 11:39:39 EDT 2016

   Dear colleagues,

   I have to agree with Norik this time and express my unhappiness about 
the fact, that author list is put as it is done now in the draft, without 
a consensus from any prior discussion.

   Here is my practical proposal. Please by the end of the week send your 
vote A or B as a private e-mail to Douglas:

   A) present draft: first students, then corresponding authors,
then all the rest alphabetically

   B) alphabetic order

   Douglas, please perform head count, let us know the final score
and we are done with this issue once for all. Sounds reasonable?

   Thank you,

PS: guys, fair play please! Just send your *private* vote if you feel
     you want to do so and do not attempt to amplify this vote by
     engaging the colleagues who used to hit the delete button on every
     OLYMPUS list e-mail without reading, since years.

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