[Olympus] OLYMPUS Collaboration meeting

Douglas K Hasell hasell at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 12 12:44:30 EDT 2014

Dear Colleagues,

	The next OLYMPUS collaboration meeting at Trinity College, Dublin is just over three weeks from now.  I would like to start planning the agenda.  If you would like to give a presentation please send me a brief title/topic and an estimate of how much time you would require.

	Beyond status updates I plan to schedule significant time for discussions on the various analysis topics to determine: what still needs to be done, who will do what, when can we expect results.  NOTE the next PRC meeting is five weeks after the Dublin meeting.


26-415 M.I.T.                                 Tel: +1 (617) 258-7199
77 Massachusetts Avenue                       Fax: +1 (617) 258-5440
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA                      E-mail: hasell at mit.edu           

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