[Olympus] Updated GDML Note

Colton David O'Connor colton at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 7 18:20:51 EDT 2014

Dear Collaborators,

I've attached the updated GDML Internal Note.  It is also available on the wiki.

Brian discussed two similar issues in today's meeting: one with the GEMs, one with the MWPCs.  Both of these issues could have been identified sooner if we had realized that there were inconsistencies in the GDML, which experts might have noticed in the internal note that I posted and sent around last September.  Please take a look at how your detector is represented in our solid model and let me know if there are any outstanding problems.

Let me add that, if you are using the OLYMPUS Monte Carlo framework (which involves a generator that inherits from MCGen, then the propagator plugin, then some digitization) then the correct GDML file will automatically be used by default during propagation.  You do not have to worry about this.  Some other GDML files exist for special applications.  If you are simulating in some other way, such as using the deprecated olympusMC executable, then you will have to check to find out which GDML file you are using.

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