[Olympus] Extended running

Michael Kohl kohlm at jlab.org
Tue Oct 23 15:43:48 EDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

as mentioned earlier, we have the opportunity to continue the OLYMPUS run 
until January 2, 2013, i.e. by an additional twelve days, which, assuming 
stable running conditions at that time, could represent a significant 
amount of data. We are aware of the hardship that this extension will 
include Christmas and New Year, and that it goes beyond the total of three 
months of running that you as a collaborator have committed to.

That is why we would like to keep the coverage for shifts and run 
coordination strictly on a voluntary basis.

When considering to be available for the extended running you should also 
be aware that preliminary data from both our competitor experiments at 
Novosibirsk and at Jefferson Lab have now been released, see
which will also be presented at the DNP fall meeting in Newport Beach, CA 
later this week.

OLYMPUS is to have the last word before closing the chapter. It is up to 
you to make sure that the best experiment (OLYMPUS) will have the most 
precise result to offer.

Please follow this link http://www.doodle.com/tc79ytzpdzsnu89w
to an ongoing doodle poll to indicate your availability by Thursday 
October 25, 2012 if you haven't done so yet (just a few clicks). You can 
of course also simply indicate it to us directly.
Indicating to be "available" means being in principle available for any 
shift on a given day, the exact shifts schedule will be figured out later.

The run extension will only happen if sufficient manpower can be confirmed 
by end of this week.

Thank you for your support
    Michael, Alexander, Douglas & Uwe

On Sun, 21 Oct 2012, Douglas Kenneth Hasell wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> 	There is a chance we can run OLYMPUS over the Christmas - New Years's break (i.e. from 22 December, 2012 until 2 January, 2013) before turning off DORIS and OLYMPUS forever.
> 	But we need people for these shifts plus run coordinators.  And we need to know who and how many are available by the end of the week so we can tell DORIS operations whether or not we can man our shifts.  Then they will organise the shifts for the accelerators.
> 	In principle we need 6 people for each day.  However, it should not be the same 6 people for the entire period or even for most of the period.  After running for two month we all deserve a holiday.
> 	I have created a Doodle poll in order to determine the number of people who would be willing to take some shifts between 22 December and 2 January.  The poll lists the dates in this period.  Each person should indicate whether or not they are available on that date.  If you indicate that you are available you must be willing to take any type of shift on that date (i.e. overnight, day, or evening).
> 	When I am making the schedule I will try to distribute people fairly with a pattern like shift, 24 hours off, shift, 24 hours off, shift, 24 hours off, etc.  That way everyone will take each type of shift with a reasonable break between shifts.  If anyone wants to volunteer for all overnight shifts let me know; otherwise I will try to follow the pattern I just described.
> 	This additional time might be very useful to achieve the design luminosity or to take some data at a different beam energy.  So every effort should be made to man these dates.  Please fill out the poll as soon as possible.
> 	The doodle poll is at:
> http://www.doodle.com/tc79ytzpdzsnu89w
>                                                    Cheers,
>                                                            Douglas
> 26-415 M.I.T.                                 Tel: +1 (617) 258-7199
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue                       Fax: +1 (617) 258-5440
> Cambridge, MA 02139, USA                      E-mail: hasell at mit.edu
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| Dr. Michael Kohl, Assistant Professor and Staff Research Scientist
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| Email: kohlm at jlab.org
| Cell:  +1-757-256-5122 (USA)
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