[Olympus] Proposed agenda for OLYMPUS Collaboration meeting

Douglas Kenneth Hasell hasell at MIT.EDU
Sun Apr 8 13:38:53 EDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

	The next collaboration meeting is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, 12-13 April, 2012. Unfortunately not many people will be able to attend in person.  Many will only be able to attend and give presentations via EVO.  With the time difference this will be a bit difficult so I propose that we have the meeting in the afternoon (German time) and restrict the number of presentations.

	The main purpose for this meeting will be to prepare for the PRC meeting at DESY, 26-27 April.  At the PRC meeting we want to show the results from the February run.  The important points will be understanding the luminosity and event reconstruction.  I hope that we will have some rough, preliminary results for the PRC meeting.  However, we will not have good results for this collaboration meeting but hopefully we will see what needs to be done and plan accordingly for the two weeks between the collaboration and PRC meetings.

	My proposal is to have brief presentations on the various components followed by longer presentations and discussion about the luminosity, track reconstruction, and analysis.  Each component should prepare 1 or at most 2 slides suitable for the PRC presentation summarising the status, performance, and plans for each component.

	Following is my proposed agenda with a rough outline of what I expect each presentation to cover:

Thursday, 12 April, 2012

13:30 - Target, vacuum system, and slow control - Jan Bernauer
	- performance in Feb. explain low measure of luminosity
	- planned tests and improvements

13:45 - Gem Tracker and Wire Chamber - Douglas Hasell
	- status of GT production and plans for installation
	- WC performance in Feb. and plans for repairs

14:00 - TOF - Michael Kohl
	- performance in Feb.
	- plans

14:15 - GEM Luminosity Monitors - Jürgen Diefenbach
	- performance in Feb. - excluding luminosity measurements
	- plans for improvements - LumiCAL, SiPMs 

14:30 - MWPC Luminosity Monitors - Denis Veretennikov
	- performance in Feb. - excluding luminosity measurements
	- plans for improvements

14:45 - Symmetric Möller Detector - Roberto Perez-Benito
	- performance in Feb. - excluding luminosity measurements
	- plans for improvements

15:00 - Trigger - Alexander Winnebeck
	- performance in Feb. - rates, deadtimes
	- plans for improvements - second level trigger

15:15 - Data Acquisition - Christian Funke
	- performance in Feb. - rates, TB recorded, deadtimes
	- plans for improvements

15:30 - Proposed Cerenkov detector - Ricardo Alarcon
	- design and expected benefit
	- plans for production, test, and installation

15:45 - Coffee break

16:00 - Luminosity Presentations and Discussion - Jürgen Diefenbach
	- GEM Luminosity Monitor Results
	- MWPC Luminosity Monitor Results
	- Symmetric Möller Results

Friday, 13 April, 2012

13:30 - Offline Analysis - Jan Bernauer
	- event display
	- Monte Carlo
	- track reconstruction
	- analysis

15:30 - Coffee break

16:00 - Schedule - Uwe Schneekloth

16:15 - DORIS - Frank Brinker

16:30 - Plan for PRC - Michael Kohl

16:45 - Next meeting, AOB - Douglas Hasell

	Comments or suggestions?


26-415 M.I.T.                                 Tel: +1 (617) 258-7199
77 Massachusetts Avenue                       Fax: +1 (617) 258-5440
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA                      E-mail: hasell at mit.edu           

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