[Olympus] OLYMPUS Installation Schedule/Magnet Test

Uwe Schneekloth uwe.schneekloth at desy.de
Fri Jul 1 10:40:16 EDT 2011

Dear Colleagues, 

This morning, we discussed the installation schedule with the involved DESY groups. 
There are a few small modifications. 

Some good news: The deformation of the electronics hut without the central support was
measured. It is relatively small, i.e. we do not have to support it from the detector rails during
the movement, which will save some time.

The magnet test will be performed Wednesday 6.07. from 7:00 to 10:00hrs (am!). After this
the power cables will be cut. 
Before turning on the magnet, we have to do a clean up the detector to make sure there 
are no metal piece flying around. 

Best regards,

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| Dr. Uwe Schneekloth   
| OLYMPUS                                           
| Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron  
| Notkestrasse 85                                     
| D-22603 Hamburg/Germany              
| Tel: +49-40-8998 2007  Fax: +49-40-8998 3092 
| email: uwe.schneekloth at desy.de                          

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