[Olympus] DPG Spring Conference

Michael Kohl kohlm at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 23 08:12:12 EST 2011

Dear Colleagues,

the DPG Spring Conference of the Hadrons and Nuclei Division will take 
place in Mainz from March 19-23, 2012.
This conference is particularly suited for graduate students and 
postdocs and has similar settings like the APS meetings with short oral 
presentations and posters.

We had missed the official abstract deadline of December 15, however I 
contacted the organizers who encourage us to still submit OLYMPUS 
abstracts, for one group talk and two short talks.

I suggest that we submit three abstracts which could be presented in a 
sequence, plus another for a poster.

Physics Motivation and Overview
OLYMPUS Tracking
OLYMPUS Luminosity Monitoring

I was thinking that the group talk could be presented by one of the 
postdocs, the tracking talk by one MIT student, and the luminosity talk
by Ozgur.

Did the Mainz and Bonn groups (or anybody else) previously submit anything 
for this conference?

Please send me abstracts and speaker nominations as soon as possible, no 
later than Wednesday 12/28, 2011. I will collect and would like to send in 
the abstracts in a bundle by end of next week.

Best regards and Merry Christmas

| Dr. Michael Kohl                                                  |
| Assistant Professor                | Staff Research Scientist     |
| -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |
| Physics Department, Olin / Rm. 414 | Jefferson Laboratory, C117   |
| Hampton University                 | 12000 Jefferson Avenue       |
| Hampton, VA 23668                  | Newport News, VA 23606       |
| U.S.A.                             | U.S.A.                       |
| Phone: +1-757-727-5153             | +1-757-269-7343              |
| Fax:   +1-757-728-6910             | +1-757-269-7363              |
| -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |
| Email: kohlm at jlab.org                                             |
| Cell:  +1-757-256-5122                                            |

| Home:                                             |
| 145C Atlantic Avenue                              |
| Hampton, VA 23664, U.S.A.                         |
| Phone: +1-757-722-5025    Mobile: +1-757-256-5122 |
| Email: kohlm at jlab.org,    K.Michael.Kohl at gmx.de   |

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