[Olympus] Completing the TDR

Richard G Milner milner at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 6 09:29:53 EDT 2010

Dear OLYMPUS colleagues,
I would like to set Friday July 16th as the deadline for submission of revisions
and new material for inclusion in the OLYMPUS TDR. At the last meeting, I
understood that the following revisions were planned

- slow controls: A. Izotov RECEIVED
- DORIS section: F. Brinker
- Schedule: U. Schneekloth
- GEM tracker: D. Hasell
- Lumi monitor: M. Kohl IN PROGRESS
- Figure in physics section: M. Kohl IN PROGRESS

The sense at the last meeting was the collaboration would like to see the
document finalized.  Further revisions to the technical design of the
experiment should be written as OLYMPUS technical notes.

with best regards,

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