[Olympus] BLAST Technical Design Report

Douglas Kenneth Hasell hasell at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 28 14:11:41 EDT 2009

Dear Colleagues,

	I have added the BLAST Technical Design Report from 1997 to the  
OLYMPUS web page under "Documentation":


The actual BLAST detector which was build was different in many ways  
from what is in this document (e.g. the wire chambers were jet-style  
drift chambers not planar drift chambers) but perhaps this is a useful  

(NB since the documentation is listed in reverse chronological order  
the BLAST-TDR is at the bottom of the list.)

	For a more up-to-date description of the BLAST Experiment I have also  
added the recent NIMA article describing the BLAST Experiment. This is  
also under "Documentation" but a little closer to the top of the list.


26-415 M.I.T.                                 Tel: +1 (617) 258-7199
77 Massachusetts Avenue                       Fax: +1 (617) 258-5440
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA                      E-mail: hasell at mit.edu

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