[mosh-users] Getting around networks with port blocks

Thomas Levine _ at thomaslevine.com
Sun Jun 29 17:49:34 EDT 2014

I'm behind a network where most ports are blocked.
To deal with this, I put the following line in my

Port 443

The connection is fast, so all is well. But if it
weren't so fast, all would not quite be well,
so I started setting up mosh-server. I seem to be
having trouble with the port forward; does anyone
have any ideas of what's wrong?

I ran this on the remote host.

    $ sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p udp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-port 60000 
    $ mosh-server new -p 60000

Then I copied the key and ran this on the local host.

    $ MOSH_KEY=key mosh-client (remote-IP) 25

It's also written up here.



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