[mosh-devel] Mosh and 2FA

Rafael Ribeiro dos Santos Rafael.Santos at uib.no
Mon Feb 5 04:45:09 EST 2024


My name is Rafael and I currently work for University of Bergen in Norway, supporting users of our HPC systems.

An user recently created a ticket asking to have Mosh available as his connection is not very reliable and I escalated to our internal team, which asked me if Mosh would work with the 2FA we are implementing on the servers.

Since it is not fully implemented yet, I couldn't test it but just look for more information online on the GitHub repos and discussions. However, I just found very old messages from 2017.

My question is: does Mosh support 2FA?  Are there any issues or details we should observe when installing Mosh and using with the 2FA?

Thank you!

Best Regards,
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