[mosh-devel] Idea: Allow the mosh client to freeze the connection on purpose

Jann Horn jann at thejh.net
Tue Sep 24 14:54:15 EDT 2013

I recently found out about mosh, and now I'm using the juicessh android client
to connect to a box running an irc client – it works really well, even when
the connectivity is spotty because I'm travelling with a train.

However, this drains my battery really fast because, as it seems, mosh causes
network activity every second or so. Here's my idea: What do you think about adding
a way for the user to stop both the client and the server from sending any more
packets until he tells them to continue? E.g. using a keystroke or a signal
(which could also be used by juicessh or so)? Freezing the client's process
with SIGSTOP wouldn't stop the server from sending packets, right?
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