[MOS] Tomorrow 5/10 - Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Virtual Seminar with Philipp Kukura (Oxford)

Christine Brooks cbrooks at mit.edu
Mon May 9 09:09:41 EDT 2022

There will be a virtual Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar held tomorrow, May 10 at 12pm. A short Q&A segment will immediately follow the conclusion of the seminar.

Zoom link: https://mit.zoom.us/j/96881514009?pwd=NDVlY3ZxeG9mb0JtZkFkTE9UYjBrZz09
Password: 653304

Philipp Kukura
University of Oxford

“Unravelling biomolecular structure, interactions and dynamics with mass photometry”

Interactions between biomolecules control the processes of life in health, and their malfunction in disease, making their characterization and quantification essential to our understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms. A major challenge stems from the intrinsic heterogeneity of molecular machines and its correlation with function. I will introduce mass photometry (MP), the accurate mass measurement of individual biomolecules in solution by light scattering, which enables the study of stoichiometries, structure, energetics and kinetics by combining label-free detection and mass measurement. In addition to illustrating the fundamental and unique capabilities of MP, I will discuss recent applications to studies of biomolecular self-assembly and membrane-associated processes with molecular resolution, and provide a brief outlook as to likely future capabilities and investigations.


Christine Brooks
Administrative Assistant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Chemistry
77 Massachusetts Ave, 6-333
Cambridge, MA 02139
p: 617.253.7239
e: cbrooks at mit.edu<mailto:cbrooks at mit.edu>

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