[MOS] Join Us: Fall 2021 Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Virtual Seminar

Christine Brooks cbrooks at mit.edu
Tue Sep 21 15:21:50 EDT 2021

The Laser Biomedical Research Center at MIT is pleased to announce that our Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar series will continue virtually this Fall semester.

We will once again be offering a short schedule of MOS seminars presented by an array of speakers, and hope that many of you who attended virtually (or in-person!) in the past will do so once more. We are thrilled that, despite the challenges of the virtual format, many of you will be able to join despite time and location differences, though we are tentatively optimistic to return to in-person seminars in Spring 2022 (confirmation and more details to come).

Seminars will be held via Zoom, and registration is not required.

Links will be shared prior to each seminar by email, via this list, and will provide direct access to the seminar.

We hope that you’ll join us on selected Tuesdays at 12PM for one or all of the following:

FALL 2021 Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar

9/28 – Akshay Rao (University of Cambridge, UK)

10/26 – Timothy Barnum (MIT – McGuire Group)

11/9 – Paul French (Imperial College London, UK)

11/16 – Harold Linnartz (University of Leiden, Netherlands)

11/30 – Ben Schuler (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

If you have any questions, or would like to join the MOS email list, please contact cbrooks at mit.edu<mailto:cbrooks at mit.edu>.

We look forward to seeing everyone virtually!

Christine Brooks
Administrative Assistant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Chemistry
77 Massachusetts Ave, 6-333
Cambridge, MA 02139
p: 617.253.7239
e: cbrooks at mit.edu<mailto:cbrooks at mit.edu>

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