[MOS] Today - Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar with Changhuei Yang

Michelle Contos mcontos1 at mit.edu
Tue Feb 11 10:00:54 EST 2020

There will be a Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar held today in 34-401A<http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=34> at 12pm

Changhuei Yang

California Institute of Technology

“Wavefront shaping – the threading of light through scattering media”

Wavefront shaping has been an active research area over the past decade. Its ability to control light transmission through or into a scattering medium has significant biophotonics, computation, imaging, encryption and other applications. In this talk, I will discuss the various advancements we have made in wavefront shaping and talk about the use of wavefront shaping in biophotonics. I will also discuss two recent and surprising findings in our wavefront shaping work. The first is the intentional combination of wavefront shaping and a controlled scattering medium to create novel optical system – in effect, turning scattering from a ‘foe’ to a ‘friend’ for wavefront shaping. The second is the complete dropping of phase characterization in a new class of ‘wavefront shaping’ methods.

Refreshments will be served immediately following the seminar!

Michelle Contos
Administrative Assistant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Chemistry
77 Massachusetts Ave, 6-333
Cambridge, MA 02139
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