[MOS] MOS Seminar December 10: Professor Kang-Kuen Ni of Harvard University

Peter M Giunta pgiunta at mit.edu
Wed Dec 4 14:52:48 EST 2019

The Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar Series will be presenting Professor Kang-Kuen Ni of Harvard University (Bob Field, host) on Tuesday, December 10.  The title of her talk will be "Ultracold Chemical Reactions with Molecules in Slow Motion" at 12:00pm in Room 34-401.

        If you are interested in meeting with our speaker, please follow the link below to a Doodle poll to indicate your availability.

Peter Giunta
MIT Department of Chemistry
77 Mass. Ave., Room 6-215
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307
617-253-2457 (VOX)
pgiunta at mit.edu<mailto:pgiunta at mit.edu>
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