[MOS] CANCELLED Special Modern Optics Spectroscopy Seminar November 10, 2011

Zina M Queen zqueen at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 9 14:33:11 EST 2011


Special Modern Optics Spectroscopy Seminar
November 10, 2011, Thursday
11:00AM, Rm 34-401A

Linear and non linear imaging of electrical activity and morphology in intact tissues

Professor Francesco S. Pavone
European Laboratory for Non Linear Spectroscopy (LENS)
Via Nello Carrara 1
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI)


[file://localhost/Users/mitadmin/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image002.png]Correlations between morphology of connections and functionality, such as electrical activity, is one the of the major issue in neuroscience and cardiology in the comprehensions of many pathologies and mechanisms of behaviour and computation. Nowadays, there are several imaging techniques which offer a complementary approach to visualize intact networks in tissues. Each of those offer a complementary approach and furnish different informations on the role of network components. In this seminar, we will concentrate our attention on linear and non linear laser imaging modalities capable to obtain 3D tomographic reconstruictions containing both functional and morphological informations. It will be presented mainly three main examples of applications centered on the measurents of  plasticity,  action potential propagation and whole organ imaging. Experimental results obtained on these arguments will be presented , together with the description of the imaging techniques developed in our lab.

For additional information, please contact Prof. Peter So, ptso at mit.edu<mailto:ptso at mit.edu>

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