[MOS] March 9, 2010

Zina Queen zqueen at mit.edu
Fri Mar 5 11:38:31 EST 2010

Seminar on

Modern Optics and Spectroscopy

Investigating exciton correlations in GaAs quantum wells using 
COLBERT spectroscopy

Daniel Turner,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Multiple-quantum two-dimensional Fourier transform optical (2D FTOPT) 
spectroscopy was developed and conducted on GaAs quantum wells. 
Spatiotemporal femtosecond pulse shaping was used to control the 
optical phases and time delays of ultrashort pulses in multiple 
non-collinear beams so that fully coherent four-wave and higher-order 
mixing measurements could be conducted without any moving parts. 
Coherences of excitons, biexcitons, unbound but correlated exciton 
pairs, and triexcitons were observed directly.

Grier Room, MIT Bldg 34-401
Refreshments served after the lecture
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