[MOS] MOS 10/25/05

Zina Queen zqueen at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 24 14:47:06 EDT 2005

Seminar on
Modern Optics and Spectroscopy

Gary Wiederrecht,
Argonne National Laboratory

Optical spectroscopy of nanoscale plasmonic heterostructures

October 25, 2005
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.


Surface plasmons are electromagnetic modes that are present at the 
interface of a metal and dielectric material. Depending upon the 
structure of the metal, surface plasmons demonstrate a wide range of 
characteristics, such as optical field enhancements, tunable 
resonances, and the ability to propagate in films or be confined at 
nanoparticle defects. As a result, surface plasmons continue to 
generate growing interest for new sensor technologies, energy 
transport, and photonics applications. In many cases, the most 
interesting advantages of surface plasmons lie in the optical 
near-field, significantly below the diffraction limit of conventional 
optics in at least one dimension. This requires novel methods for 
imaging the spatial profile and propagation properties of surface 
plasmons, as well as novel spectroscopies for studying photochemistry 
of heterostructured materials in the near-field. In this talk, recent 
efforts in our group for the imaging and spectroscopy of plasmonic 
heterostructures are discussed, specifically applied to plasmonic 
continuum spectroscopy, metal nanoparticle photoluminescence, and 
coherent coupling of molecular excitons to surface plasmons
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