[MOS] IAP/Annual Meeting 2005

Vinnie Russo vrusso at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 18 13:56:53 EST 2005

On behalf of the G.R. Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory, I would like to 
inform you of the upcoming IAP offering:

The Spectroscopy Laboratory Annual Meeting and IAP program will be held on 
Wednesday, January 19 from 9 AM to 3:30 PM. The program is given below.

IAP Lectures and Annual Meeting Program
January 19, 2005; Grier Room, 34-401

8:00 am - 9:00 am       Poster set-up (coffee and donuts served)

9:00 am - 11:30 am      IAP Lectures
         Multidimensional Spectroscopy: Four Why's

John Waugh, MIT Professor Emeritus
Multidimensional spectroscopy - Why it started with NMR and (mostly) stays 

Robert Griffin, MIT Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory
Multidimensional NMR in rotating solids - Why high resolution?

Joseph Loparo, MIT Department of Chemistry
Two-dimensional IR spectroscopy: Observing coherent vibrations and hydrogen 
bond dynamics in water - Why two dimensions are better than one.

Keith Nelson, MIT Department of Chemistry
Multidimensional spectroscopy - Why it is moving to the optical regime and 
has a glowing future there.

11:30 am - 2:00 pm      Poster session and lunch

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm       Annual Meeting/graduate student talks

Introduction - Michael Feld

Azadeh Samadani (Van Oudenaarden Group)
Getting inside the mind of an amoeba: How Dictyostelium make decisions?

Adam Steeves (Field Group)
A rotational handle for electronic spectroscopy: Millimeter wave-optical 
double resonance spectroscopy of complex environments

Jelena Mirkovic (Feld Group)
Reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy: Toward real time diagnosis

Rebecca Slayton (Nelson Group)
Opening lab doors to high schoolers: Keys to a successful engagement

Vinnie Russo * vrusso at mit.edu  *  Office Manager
MIT; G.R. Harrison  Spectroscopy Laboratory
77 Mass. Ave., 6-014  *  Cambridge, MA  02139
(v) 617-253-9774  *  (f) 617-253-4513 

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