[MOS] MOS Lord Lecture: Prof. Watt Webb, April 27, 2004

Vinnie Russo vrusso at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 22 10:20:33 EDT 2004

Dear Colleagues,

The G.R. Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory and the Department of Electrical 
Engineering and Computer Science would like to invite you to the next 
seminar in our series on Modern Optics and Spectroscopy.  This seminar is 
our annual Lord Lecture.  The 2004 Lord Lecturer selected for this year is 
Prof. Watt Webb of Cornell University.

Date & Time:            Tuesday, April 27, 12 noon - 1 PM

Location:       Grier Room (34-401)

Speaker:                Professor Watt Webb, Cornell University

Title:          Spectroscopies as Biophysical Tools from MilliHz to ExaHz

Refreshments will be served following the talk.


Professor Watt Webb, Cornell University
Spectroscopies as Biophysical Tools from MilliHz to ExaHz
The spectroscopy of fluctuations of optical signals from biological systems 
provides us with powerful probes of the dynamics of life. The single 
molecule sensitivity of fluorescence can be utilized for correlation 
spectroscopy to characterize chemical kinetics of single enzymes, and for 
nonlinear dynamical imaging to observe their spatial correlations, which 
has revealed 2-d critical phenomena that appear to account for 
heterogeneity in cell membranes. Nonlinear spectroscopies of in vivo tissue 
fluorescence and harmonic generation are now revealing the onset of cancer, 
mapping neuronal communication and metabolism, and more to be reported.

Vinnie Russo * vrusso at mit.edu  *  Office Manager
MIT; G.R. Harrison  Spectroscopy Laboratory
77 Mass. Ave., 6-014  *  Cambridge, MA  02139
(v) 617-253-9774  *  (f) 617-253-4513
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