[Mos] TESTING - Fwd: Your Mailing List mos has been created on MAILMAN.MIT.EDU
Vinnie Russo
vrusso at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 26 13:56:39 EST 2003
>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 13:31:52 -0500 (EST)
>To: vrusso at mit.edu
>From: MIT Mailman List Management System <mailman-owner at MIT.EDU>
>Subject: Your Mailing List mos has been created on MAILMAN.MIT.EDU
>X-Spam-Score: 0.6
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.28 (www . roaringpenguin . com / mimedefang)
>MAILMAN.MIT.EDU has been updated, you can now begin to manage your
>list by going to:
> https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/admin/mos
>Your list password has been randomly generated, you can change it at
>the URL above.
> Your List Admin Password is: ogviomma
>Note: Your list may not yet be reachable via MIT.EDU, updates to the
>MIT mail system happen asynchronously, but should be completed within
>4 hours.
>You can check whether it is available yet by sending a test message to
>your list (mos at MIT.EDU) to see if it is delivered or bounced.
>Please contact Athena User Accounts at x3-1325 or accounts at mit.edu if
>you have any questions or problems. Thanks.
Vinnie Russo * vrusso at mit.edu * Office Manager
MIT; G.R. Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory
77 Mass. Ave., 6-014 * Cambridge, MA 02139
(v) 617-253-9774 * (f) 617-253-4513
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