[Mobilepartners] Stylus recommendations for iPads?

Justin Fleming jtflem at MIT.EDU
Wed May 9 18:08:50 EDT 2012

I'm also happily using the Belkin stylus right now (although it might be just a bit cheap/flimsy feeling...), but I've also heard great recommendations for the Wacom Bamboo stylus (http://www.wacom.com/en/Products/Bamboo/BambooStylus.aspx) as well as the Cosmonaut from Studio Neat (http://www.studioneat.com/products/cosmonaut).

~ Justin

On May 9, 2012, at 1:32 PM, "Matthew D Sullivan" <irishman at MIT.EDU<mailto:irishman at MIT.EDU>> wrote:

I've been using the Belkin Stylus and so far it's worked very well.


Matthew Sullivan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IS&T | Help Desk | Mobile Devices Team
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On May 9, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Jonathan McIndoe Hunt wrote:

Good afternoon,

What styli have people used with iPads for writing, drawing and annotating?

Which ones would you recommend?

Jonathan McIndoe Hunt     MIT EECS '97    617.253.0172
Senior Educational and Sustainability IT Project Manager
Faculty & Student Experience (FSX)
Information Services & Technology (IS&T), MIT

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