[Mobilepartners] IS&T Announces Support for the Cisco AnyConnect ICS+ app on Android OS 4.x+

Matthew D Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 27 11:49:52 EDT 2012


Information Services and Technology (IS&T) is pleased to announce support for Cisco's AnyConnect ICS+ app on Android devices running Android OS 4.x+. This version of the Cisco AnyConnect ICS+ app does not require your Android device to be "rooted" and can be downloaded directly to your device via Google's Play store. 

This version of Cisco AnyConnect ICS+ app does come with some device compatibility exceptions, some functionality issues, and a few feature limitations. 

Compatible Devices:
Android 4.x, with the following exceptions:
- ASUS Transformer TF-201 before version 4.0.3
- Archos G9 before version 4.0.5 
- All Sony devices - TUN network services missing

Known Issues:
- When reconnecting, an unwanted noise or vibration occurs. This was addressed by Google in Android 4.0.3+
- The AnyConnect icon in the notification tray is unusually large. This is a limitation with the VPN Framework.
- Some freezes are known to occur on the Diagnostics screen.
- If root is available, deny the 'su' requests for standard features.

The following features are not supported using this package:
- Filter Support
- Trusted Network Detection
- Split Exclude
- Local LAN Exception
- Secure Gateway Web Portal (inaccessible when tunneled)

Instructions for downloading and installing Cisco's AnyConnect ICS+ app on your Android 4.x+ device can be found in The Knowledge Base under How to install MIT VPN via Cisco AnyConnect App on Android 4.x+. It is important to note that IS&T does not maintain this application. Future updates from Cisco to their AnyConnect ICS+ app may break or change the current setup. IS&T will update the documentation to address any changes that may occur. 

If you need any mobile-device-related support, please check the Mobile Ninja for mobile platform setup instructions and troubleshooting or contact the Mobile Devices Team directly at mobile-help at mit.edu.

Matt Sullivan

Matthew Sullivan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IS&T | CSS | Mobile Devices Team
P: 617-253-6445
E: irishman at mit.edu

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