[Mobilepartners] iPhone OS 3.0.1 Update and SMS Security Vulnerability Fix

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 31 15:22:50 EDT 2009


This message is an advisory for all iPhone users at MIT.

Apple today released an iPhone OS 3.0.1 update that fixes a critical  
security vulnerability involving the Short Message Service (SMS). All  
MIT iPhone users are advised to update their iPhone (original, 3G,  
3GS) with the latest version as soon as possible to fix the security  
issues that  can potentially allow hackers to control the iPhone using  
SMS messages.

For instructions on how to update the iPhone software, visit the Apple  
iPhone Software Update web site at http://www.apple.com/iphone/softwareupdate/ 
   and click on the "Updating is easy. Learn how" link.


Andrew Yu
Mobile Platform Manager and Architect
Information Services & Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617-324-8985
Email: andrewyu at mit.edu

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